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2009-12-20 17:49:59 Message 5
DM sidan lever P.G.A Jan ville testa Windows 7 på Mangens stenålders dator

Homepage: Har ingen

2008-11-22 20:39:10 Message 4
Magnus: DM is back
Depeche Mode is back and the new album will be released in April 20th 2009.

Email:     magnus.vestberg1@comhem.se

2006-06-11 23:18:51 Message 3
Magnus: Site
Thanks! More stuff is coming up soon. :-)

Email:     magnus.vestberg@bredband.net
Homepage: http://magnus.myftp.org

2006-06-11 20:12:58 Message 2
AA: beautiful site
Just wanted to say you have a beautifully designed site. Lots of great info too! :) Thanks!

2006-01-19 01:14:43 Message 1
Magnus: DM-Guestbook
Welcome to my Depeche Mode - Guestbook.
Leave a message if you want.

Email:     magnus.vestberg@bredband.net
Homepage: http://magnus.myftp.org

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