Andy Fletcher Andrew John Fletcher (known as "Fletch") , was born on July 8th 1961 in Basildon, Essex. A current member of Depeche Mode, Fletch had originally played bass in a band with Vince Clarke but moved on to synthesizers in "Composition of Sound" with both Vince and Martin Gore. These three musicians then formed Depeche Mode with vocalist David Gahan. Fletch has never been a leading musician in the group, but more of a manager, where his strong points lie. He is, also, the only member that has never written a song for the band, although, it is indicated in one interview, that he had attempted it in the past. He's also the "spokesperson", often the one who announces Depeche Mode news, such as album details for "Exciter" in 2001 and "Playing the Angel" in 2004/2005, for the press.

Andy Fletcher He's often teased by the media and fans for not normally contributing musically to Depeche Mode songs. However, he does play bass for "A Pain That I'm Used To" on "Playing the Angel" according to the album's producer Ben Hillier, and is seen playing bass for "The Sinner in Me" on his own Fletchcam. He's also seen playing bass in the "bare" rendition videos of "Clean" and "Surrender" from the "Playing the Angel" sessions, seen on the "Playing the Angel" bonus disc and the Depeche Mode Receiver respectively.

In recent years, Andy Fletcher has founded a record label, Toast Hawaii, in order to promote the band Client. As well as this, he also DJs sometimes.

He is married to Grainne for 14 years and has two children.
